MD-380 – How to reset the PC programming password

It can happen that a “PC Programming Password”, set on the Tytera MD-380/Retevis RT-3 “CPS” programming software, is lost or forgotten. If that happens, there is no way to program the radio from your PC ever again.
However, there is a simple workaround:

  1. install the md380tools by Travis Goodspeed KK4VCZ; follow carefully his instructions for installation;
  2. issue the following commands:
    ./md380-dfu read mycodeplug.img
    printf '\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF' | dd conv=notrunc of=mycodeplug.img bs=1 seek=$((0x20a0))
    ./md380-dfu write mycodeplug.img
  3. when done, turn off the radio and back on again;
  4. your PC programming password is now empty;


  1. Hi have DM 380 i enable program radio and my radio stop working my keyboard is look i try upgrade firmware but not fix
    original or hack i email tyt company . say u have problem with lcd but i change it by new one my main board i look keyboard i need help

  2. I have read about one firmware, v 3.14 “password delect”, that solves the problem. I do not know how to get it so if anyone has it…,please let it free for the comunity , thanks a lot, and 73

  3. I have the same problem (password required) on my Tyt md 2017 after firmware upgrade. I tried 8 times 0 and 8 times 9 but no solution. Help!

  4. I’m in need of a way to reset the password for a Retevis RT3 radio. After attempting to program my information, the radio now asks for a password upon powering on. I never entered a password and all the passwords in the operators manual do not work. HELP.

      • yes, in the c:\RT82\CPS RT82 or whatever folder find the settings.ini file and edit the line password=0 to read password=password and then save it. open the CPS software and read the radio, then change the password and write it back to the radio. Simple (it shouldn’t be that easy but it is)

  5. Hello, I have resolve the issue, I contact the contact support from Tytera and they send me a new CPS program to delete the code after the power ON.

  6. Hi.

    MD380 programming failure. locked by password.

    How do i reset password?

    i have read this abowe “./md380-dfu read mycodeplug.img
    printf ‘\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF’ ” and so on, but where shall i type it in?

    what program from TYT do you use when you reset the password? maybe a link?

    Best regards
    Lars Swedeen

  7. Hy everyone, I’ve the same problem MD380 request password , I can use windows or raspberry five minutes ago I sent email to Tyt.

    Can help me?

  8. Hi guys!

    I have had the problem with the locked keypad. I could write a good codeplug with md380tools into the the locked unit. That fixed the problem!

    73, Norbert – DL8LAQ

  9. I have a Radio TYT MD 2017, it was working fine and suddenly the keyboard buttons, the menu key, the side key 1, the side key 2, the side key 3, the key of P1, the key of P2 all stopped working , the Back button and the upper orange button, I request technical support to restore the original configuration of the radio TYT MD 2017. Due to the above, it does not allow me to access the functions of the menu, nor to any other function manually.

  10. I recently had a problem with my MD 390g. After flashing an upgraded firmware, I turned radio on and had a request for a power on password. This had not been set.
    After read several post about how to override or reset the password, I found one that worked.
    I was able to go into the CPS folder, found about half way down, password=’0′, I changed the 0
    to ‘password’ saved the file and then reflashed the firmware. It worked.
    Now this may not work for everyone locked password, it did for mine.

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